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143 lines
****** protoman.doc/protoman ******************************************
ProtoMan - Generate prototypes from and for C source. (V37)
protoman FilePats/A/M,O=Outfile/K,AP=Append/S,DB=Database/K,
Protoman was designed to scan C source files and produce
prototypes. It will also keep track of multiple prototype
files in a main database for use with mutliple source file
FilePats/A/M - Any positive number of files or file paterns.
Outfile/K - A file to output the prototypes to, if not
supplied they will goto stdout.
NOTE: this option will override the database
Append - Append to the file specified in Outfile. If this
is not present the outfile will be truncated.
Database - Use a database for storing prototypes. This will
store all prototypes in a database they will be
stored in C parsable format. See NOTES for more
Lines - Generate line comments for each prototype. eg:
/* 34 */ int main (int argc, char **argv);
/* 72 */ int cleanup ( struct Globals *globals );
Static - include statically declared functions in prototype
file. This doesn't seem all that useful but I am
sure somebody needs it.
BufSize - The number of bytes used for I/O buffers when reading
and writing files. The default is 2048, which seems
to be the fastest.
The program will return 0 on success, or in most cases (all except
user break) 20 for failure. It should give some decent indication
of what went wrong if something does.
protoman O=protos.h file1.c file2.c
protoman database=protos.h c/#?.c newc/#?.c lines
or for a makefile maybe:
srcs=file1.c file2.c file3.c [...] file49.c file50.c
protos.h: $(srcs)
protoman database=$@ $?
(in smake $? stands for all out of date dependent files.)
The main reason for using this program instead of, for example, what
SAS/C supplies is the database capability.
The database is a single file that Protoman keeps track of all
prototypes for all the files that have ever been passed to it. If
a new file is passed to protoman it is added. If a file is given
that is already present it is replaced.
The need for a delete is probably there but not very intense. The
main use for this is in projects and will probably be in a makefile.
So a quick option would be in your clean: ie.
delete protos.h
The file will be regenerated from scratch then.
Protoman seems to be reasonably fast on my 68030 system, a project
containing 39 C files totaling 324k is processed in about 17 seconds
for a full update. For a single file to be processed with this same
database it takes app. 5 seconds. (the database is 20k)
V37.3 - (14feb93) Second Release.
Fixed parser bug, was not handling comments that occured
the next character after a brace ('}'), also fixed
same bug for C++ comments. Made some local states global
for the better handling of multiple files. Now a single
file having parse errors should not effect others being
V37.2 - (12feb93) First Release.
Fixed most obvious bugs.
V37.1 - (10feb93) Created.
Converted my getprotos source into handling a data base.
Added ReadArgs support and tweaked speed, fixed bug in
source with the handling of function pointer's as
a function argument.
None known.
This programs main purpose is to handle c source a very valuable thing
and while it does NO writing to any source files, all errors cannot
be anticipated. Therefore, I claim no responsibility for the destruction,
instruction or any othertion of anything this program may cause as a
result of, but not limited to, its use.
This program protoman and its documentation are:
Copyright © 1993 Christian E. Hopps. All Rights Reserved.
Distribution rights of this version (37.3) are granted to the
following people, services, and groups (ie. User groups):
- Fred Fish for the Fred Fish disk collection.
- The Internet as a whole.
- Bix.
- Compuserve.
- Genie.
- and any person or group not earning a profit from
its distribution.
The right to distribute is only granted to the package as a whole,
this includes the binary and documentation file.
Freeware is a nice concept so don't abuse it.
Me: Chirstian E. Hopps
bix: chopps@bix.com
home: chopps@ro-chp.UUCP (sycom.mi.org!ro-chp!chopps)
school: chopps@emunix.emich.edu (may only be valid through 6/93)